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I am a Junior at the University of North Florida. My major is Special Education and my minor is American Sign Language. I am very passionate about working with children, especially those who are often dismissed the most by society and not shown the love they ought to receive. American Sign Language is another passion of mine and I hope to become a certified interpreter one day so that I may work directly with students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Of course both of these ambitions are accompanied by my love of the Lord and my desire to share His love with all that I encounter.  

Shortly after arriving to Jacksonville, I became connected with a church called AwakenChurch. God used that church and the amazing people there to speak into my life and to convict me about living as a cultural Christian and not someone who had actually died to themselves and given their life over to Christ. The past two years have been filled with both joy and hardship, of which I am grateful for. Through both God has been teaching me to be faithful in my relationship with Him, regardless of the season of life I'm in.  He has proved himself to be a good and constant God!

In the Summer of 2016 I moved to Orlando to help plant a church and minister to the students on UCF's campus. The experience was a refining one to say the least. It was there that God burdened my heart with the need to share the Gospel with a group of individuals who are often forgotten - college students. I am now a missionary and Jacksonville, specifically UNF's campus, is my mission field. I pray that through my endeavors and the endeavors of those laboring alongside of me that the campus of UNF be radically changed, that the city be touched by the Holy Spirit and that the Great Commission be achieved. 


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